DUB LAB is a project that from 2005 when it all began and until today hosted numerous Slovenian and foreign musicians.
Dub music is both globally and in Slovenia a wide spread musical genre. In Slovenia dub is mostly represented at clubbing events. One of those events, and mostly known too, is Dub Lab. Dub Lab evenings are held regularly every Monday in Channel Zero club on Metelkova, apart from Summer time, when Dub Lab travels on several summer festivals such as: Overjam Festival, Bass Camp, Seasplash Festival, Outlook Festival, TrnFest etc. The vision and purpose of Dub Lab project is actually creating a musical laboratory, because dub as a sound covers a vast range of musical genres. In addition to the beginnings of Slovenian concert staging of this genre (Dubzilla), the project is also reflected on the international level, as the performances of musicians from around the world are frequent.
Particularly important is the exchange of musical techniques, information and novelties in this field, companionship and connection between Slovenian and foreign musicians - that opens the door to European and global music scene. On Mondays on the stage of Channel Zero you can find an array of internationally known names as well as beginners and completely new names in this field appearing. Dub Lab target audience is wide and guests are mostly fans of dub, reggae, bass, d'n'b, ethno and electronic music. The events are supported from both Slovenian and foreign audiences, especially audiences from neighbouring countries.
Each Dub Lab evening is recorded through a camera lens, which gives the project a special weight - guest musicians often choose those photos for their promotional shots. That way more and more doors get opened to the project, and this is how new possibilities and offers arise. The project has been gaining great international recognition and visibility with time - Dub Lab has been with you for 12 years already!
Dub Lab je projekt, ki je od prvotne ideje in ustanovitve leta 2005, ko se je vse skupaj začelo, do danes na svojih večerih gostil večje število tako domačih kot tujih uveljavljenih gostov.
Dub glasba je tako v svetu kot pri nas dobro poznana in priljubljena glasbena zvrst, le da jo na slovenskih tleh spremljamo predvsem na DJ dogodkih. Dub Lab večeri se med klubsko sezono redno odvijajo vsak ponedeljek v klubu Channel Zero na Metelkovi. Po končani klubski sezoni pa se Dub Lab pojavi tudi na več poletnih festivalih kot so : Overjam festival, Bass Camp, Seasplash festival, Outlook festival, Trnfest..
Vizija in namen Dub Lab projekta pa je dejansko glasbeni laboratorij, saj Dub kot tonska tehnika zajema ogromen spekter vseh zvrsti glasbe. Poleg slovenskih začetkov koncertnega uprizarjanja te zvrsti (Dubzilla) se projekt izraža tudi na mednarodnem nivoju, saj so nastopi izvajalcev s celega sveta pogosti. Predvsem pomembna je izmenjava glasbenih tehnik, informacij in novitet na tem področju, druženje ter povezava slovenskih glasbenih ustvarjalcev s tujimi izvajalci, saj si tako odpirajo vrata v evropski in svetovni glasbeni prostor. Ob ponedeljkih se tako na odru Channel Zera izmenjujejo in srečujejo, tako mednarodno znana imena, kot tudi začetniki in popolnoma nova imena s tega področja.
Ciljna publika na Dub Lab večerih je široka, gostje pa so po večini ljubitelji dub-a, reagge-ja, bass-a, d'n'b-sa, etna in elektronske glasbe. Večere podpira tako domača kot tudi publika iz tujine, predvsem publika iz sosednjih dežel, saj je Dub Lab v svojih letih delovanja že pridobil na mednarodni veljavi in je večini, ki pozna in spremlja Dub glasbo poznan prav po ponedeljkovih večerih v klubu Channel Zero. Dub Lab večeri so vsakokrat zabeleženi tudi skozi fotografski objektiv, kar da projektu posebno težo, saj gostje fotografije s svojega nastopa na Dub Lab večeru velikokrat izberejo kot promocijske fotografije in s tem projektu nenehno odpirajo nova vrata in nove možnosti delovanja, ter večjo mednarodno veljavo in prepoznavnost.
Dub Lab je z vami že dvanajsto leto.