Camilla Sparksss & OD Bongo

petek, 13.09 2019, 21:00

[English description below]

Indigo festival, Deseta obletnica Kina Šiška - KŠ X in
pred-dogodek festivala SONICA 2019: Varuhi / Sentinels


Camilla Sparksss je s svojim udarnim nastopom navdušila občinstvo letošnjega festivala MENT Ljubljana. Vlada s hipnotičnimi sinti, ledenimi beati in drznimi besedili, ki jih v pankovskem vzdušju ovija v lo-fi izkušnjo elektro pop nojza. Po treh EP-jih in prvencu For You the Wild ter novem singlu Quasi Cool je aprila letos izdala album Brutal, zaradi katerega jo je mehiški Sicario oklical za novo princeso temačne elektronike.

OD Bongo (Omar Di Bongo) se našemu občinstvu predstavlja prvič. Francosko-belgijski dvojec, znan po surovem in energičnem nastopu, bo navdušil vse, ki so se razplesali na lanskem nastopu Giant Swan na festivalu Sonica. Obdana z ritem mašinami, sinti in efekti v živo ustvarjata nalezljive tehno ritme, v katerih se čutijo tako dub kot industrialni vplivi. Njun prvenec Niobium Beats je izšel pri francoski založbi S.K. Records, pripravljata pa nov album, in sicer pri založbi Lost Dogs Entertainment. Kot izbranca letošnje platforme SHAPE platform napovedujeta najnovejšo edicijo festivala SONICA 2019: Varuhi / Sentinels.

V sodelovanju s Kino Šiška & SONICA
Lokacija: Mestni muzej Ljubljana, muzejsko dvorišče
Vstop prost

With her striking performance, hypnotic synths and daring punk-inspired lyrics, Camilla Sparksss enthralled the audience of this year’s MENT Ljubljana festival. Camilla reigns with her hypnotic synths, icy beats and daring lyrics, delivered in a punk manner and veiled with a lo-fi electropop noise experience. After three EPs and a debut album “For You the Wild” with the single “Quasi Cool”, she released the album “Brutal” in April this year, which led the Mexican Sicario to proclaim her as the new princess of dark electronics.

OD Bongo (Omar Di Bongo) will perform in front of local audience for the first time. The French-Belgian duo is known for their raw energetic shows, and is bound to be liked by those who danced the night away with Giant Swan at last year’s SONICA festival. Surrounded by rhythm machines, synths and effects, the duo create contagiously likable techno rhythms live, those being laced with dub as well as industrial influences. The French S.K Records released their debut Niobium Beats, and the duo have already announced their new album, which is to be released with Lost Dogs Entertainment later this year. As the selected artists of this year’s SHAPE platform, they are the announcing set of this year’s edition of SONICA 2019: Varuhi / Sentinels Festival.

In collaboration with Kino Šiška & SONICA
Location: Mestni muzej Ljubljana, Museum Courtyard
Free entry




Kino Šiška

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