RH 202 x Mladinin Oder 2018

petek, 29.06 2018, 23:00


Zadnji petek Mladinin OderFestival Lent bo tradicionalno soustvarjala oddaja nacionalnega radia Val 202, ki bo večer v živo prenašal na radijskih valovih - to je oddaja za elektronsko glasbo RH 202. Predstavili bomo nabor odličnih slovenskih DJ-jev: prvoborec Tomy DeClerque je bil v obdobju svoje mladosti priča razvoju slovenske scene plesne elektronike, zdaj pa je eden njenih najbolj prodornih ustvarjalcev in DJ-jev; znova nas bo z najbolj svežimi elektronskimi ritmi razvajal voditelj oddaje RH 202 Tim Urbanya; iz sosednjega Gradca, kjer že redno vrti po tamkajšnjih klubih, se bo domov vrnil Marx.P; še severneje, v meki elektronske glasbe Berlinu, se je ustalil vsestranski znalec digitalne glasbene produkcije Jan Bitežnik; nepozaben plesni dogodek pa bo z groovy ritmi, opojnimi bas linijami, neutrudnimi shakerji in spevnimi vokali zaokrožil domačin Niash Poyma.

ツ English below **

ツ Jazz Klub Satchmo

Lenta (Festival Ticket) 25 € / 15 € za študente ali dijake
Dnevna Lenta (Daily Ticket) 15 €
Zapestnica Mladininega odra (Mladina Stage bracelet) 10€ 
Večerna vstopnica za Mladinin oder in After na Minoritih (Evening Ticket for Mladina Stage and After at Minoriti) 5 €

Vstopnice na https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/www.eventim.si, v Informacijski pisarni Narodnega doma Maribor in na festivalskih prizoriščih. 
(Tickets available at https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/www.eventim.si, Narodni dom Maribor and festival venues.)

Tomy DeClerque

Tomy Declerque je bil v obdobju svoje mladosti priča razvoju slovenske scene plesne elektronike. V času, ko so EDM umetniki kot sta Umek in Valentino Kanzyani postajali priznani v svetu in je domača klubska scena cvetela, je mladi DeClerque zagrabil idealno priložnost. Z dologoletnim prijateljem Zox-om je prvič vstopil v svet produkcije. Skupaj sta zgodaj zaslovela s skladbo »My Desire« in »Music Makes Me Happy«. Slednja se je pojavila na številnih kompilacijah in bila izbrana v rubriki »Nepogrešljiv nov komad« na Pete Tong-ovi radijski oddaji na BBC-ju. Zatem je DeClerque naredil premor od hektičnega stila življenja DJ-a in producenta. Ob njegovem povratku je prišel čas za samostojno pot. Njegova zgodnja dela za založbe Circle Music, Sprout in Jesus Loved You so mu prinesle veliko pozornosti. V preteklih dveh letih pa je urno nadaljeval z delom pri založbah kot so Intec Digital, BluFin, 1605, Terminal M, Toolroom, Cr2 itn.


Tim Urbanya

Je glasbeni producent, DJ, avtor in voditelj radijske oddaje RH202 za vse prepričane častilce elektronske produkcije. Če ste v petek zvečer kdaj preklopili na radijske valove v želji po plesnih ritmih, potem vas je gotovo omamila zvočna poslastica Tima Urbanye. Aktualni trendi globalne elektronske scene, podpora slovenski produkciji, prenosi z najbolj vročih dogodkov in intervjuji z imeni, ki vam poženejo kri v prave dele telesa. Uro in pol dolg vrhunski zvočni koktejl je Tim mešal polnih pet let, nato pa z njim zapeljal še nacionalne medije in oddaja Rush Hour je na frekvencah radia Val 202 pridobila še širši krog gorečih oboževalcev kot RH 202.
Da pa ni spreten samo z jezikom in zaupanja vreden izluščevalec vročih trendov, dokazuje tudi zadnjih petnajst let, ko je potrpežljivo gradil kariero. Kot didžej je hitro osvojil festivalska in klubska plesišča zaradi prvinskega občutka za ritem. Kalil se je tudi kot vodja trgovine z gramofonskimi ploščami, partyji, ki jih je organiziral pa so mu prislužili še bolj poglobljeno poznavanje terena. 
Melodični house v izvornem pomenu besede je nejgvoa. Globoke bas linije, ki človeka zapeljejo v gibanje in skrbno izbrani vokali, ki obudijo čustva. To je tisto, kar je Tima pripeljalo na odre vodilnih klubov in festivalov v regiji. Svoj pečat je pustil v Ambasadi Gavioli, Byblosu, Cirkusu, v okviru Festivala Maribor, kjer je elektroniko povezal s klasiko, na festivalu Exit, kjer je bil opazni nosilec slovenskih zvokov in v areni Stožice, ko je publiko dodobra ogrel mnogo preden je na oder stopil David Guetta.



(Play2Play, Innocent Music, Whoyostro LTD, Vzletnaya Music)

Marko P. alias Marx.P se je rodil v Mariboru, kjer je že od svojih zelo mladih let v stiku z glasbo. Svojo kariero je začel kot MC na različnih elektronskih glasbenih dogodkih in v različnih klubih po Sloveniji in Avstriji. Bil je rezident MC v klubu Impulz v Mariboru od leta 2002 do 2008, kjer je vodil tudi svoje prireditve in tam začel kariero kot DJ. Po enem letu življenja v Gradcu je ustanovil neprofitno organizacijo Play2Play Promotions za organiziranje svojih dogodkov v graških klubih, kot so Postgarage, Niesenberger, Loft itd. Leta 2014 se je odločil, da postane profesionalni producent elektronske glasbe. Izdal je svojo prvo skladbo "Turn Things off" na Crossworlder, hčerinski založbi Cubic Ball Records iz Londona. Leta 2017 je izdal skladbo ‘‘I’ve got my Jams‘‘ pri ukrajinski underground založbi Whoyostro LTD, s katero se je Marx.P spreobrnil v minimal in dub DJ-ja in glasbenega producenta. Nastopal je že ob boku odmevnih ustvarjalcev elektronike, kot so: Marko Nastić, UNER, Technasia, Dominik Eulberg, Paul Ritch, Subb-an, Nastia ... In na festivalih, kot so springfestival Graz, Eco festival Nova Gorica, festival Lent in Peal Festival!


Jan Biteznik

Bitežnik je DJ, producent, tonski tehnik, promotor in amaterski dizajner. Trenutno živi v Berlinu, kjer študira produkcijo glasbe na fakulteti dBs Music Berlin, poleg tega pa se večino časa ukvarja s produkcijo in vrtenjem elektronske glasbe, natančneje Housa in Techna. Za sabo ima že nekaj obetavnih nastopov v sloveniji in 6 let izkušenj. Predlani je zmagal na DJ tekmovanju festivala Halamoye v Tolminu. Kljub temu, da se je v Berlin preselil pred pol leta, že ima napovedana 2 nastopa v klubih, ob tem pa vodi svojo radijsko oddajo na Etikett Radiu. V prihodnjh nekaj mesecih izdaja svoj prvi EP, opremljen z lastnim dizajnom.


> Niash Poyma

Je glasbeni producent, DJ in avdio inženir iz Maribora. Pri 13. letih je prvič prijel za CD-predvajalnike in se na njih naučil mešat elektronsko glasbo, ne dolgo za tem pa je sam začel ustvarjati glasbo. Sprva se je fokusiral predvsem na melodično glasbo (trance, progressive house, id.), kasneje pa sem več časa posvetil ritmični glasbi (disco, house, techno). Čeprav igra tudi kitaro in je del njega močno obarvan z rockom, je že nekaj let ustaljen pri tech house glasbi. Svoj nastop na Lentu napoveduje z besedami: »Moj set bo napolnjen z groovy ritmi, opojnimi bas linijami, neutrudnimi shakerji in spevnimi vokali; zapakiran v nepozaben poletno plesni dogodek. Niash Poyma, kaj te čaka!«


ツ VEČ o festivalu na: www.festival-lent.si
ツ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2018: http://www.festival-lent.si/program/
ツ Medijski pokrovitelj Mladininega odra: tednik Mladina


Tomy DeClerque

A member of a Slovenian established deejays, Tomy DeClerque grew up in an environment full of promising development in the sphere of electronic dance music. In front of his eyes the local scene has been turning into a globally acknowledged style of techno music in the hands of artists such as Umek and Valentino Kanzyani. A natural choice for a guy with talent and ambition was to jump the train and Tomy DeClerque has road it ever since.

Performing as a deejay in a local venues since he turned seventeen Tomy DeClerque soon realised that making his own production was essential if he wanted his carrier to really take off. He hooked up with his friend Zox to form the Tomy or Zox duo, and their hard work paid off as their My Desire single received some favourable feedback in Spain, Russia and Mexico. However, it was the Music Makes Me Happy hit single that caught the attention of top artists being remixed by the likes of Mainframe and ATCF, and released on several prestigious compilations, such as Ministry Of Sound, DJ Awards at Pacha Ibiza and Blanco Y Negro Mix. The greatest satisfaction at that time, though, Tomy says was when we got set as Essential new tune of the week on Pete Tong’s celebrated Essential selection radio show.

Searching for genuine underground sound that could revive the authentic feeling of electronic dance music he experienced in his youth Tomy turned to Valentino Kanzyani’s Jesus Loved You label in 2008, releasing a much praised single ‘I Don’t Know’ and soon after that, things just opened for him on a much wider scale. Just two years later in 2010, his first solo EP entitled ‘Learn To Play / Hard Softness’ was signed by no one else than Carl Cox and Jon Rundell for their Intec imprint. Loyalty to the label in the following years with many releases, lead him to open a stage at the mighty Gashouder in Amsterdam for the Pure Intec event and more over to his debut performance at the Awakenings Festival in July 2018.

Two Mexican tours, crazy train ride in the Balkans, never ending road trips throughout Europe, superb venues in Belgium, Germany, Spain, Austria, Ukraine, Serbia, Turkey, Bosnia, Croatia, Italy, Czech Republic, Uk, Switzerland, Slovakia, unforgettable memories from South Africa and a unique opportunity to work for few years as a resident in a legendary club Ambasada Gavioli. Driven by his unstoppable passion for teamwork, he works with various musicians, local drummer Dave Morgan, a multi instrumentalist KayKay, singers, percussionists and other talents. He wrote and produced a song with a talented singer Lea Sirk, who won EMA, a leading national competition to represent Slovenia at the Eurosong 2018. 


Tim Urbanya

Tim Urbanya is a music producer, DJ, creator and host of the radio show on electronic music RH 202. If you have ever tuned in to your radio on a Friday night in the hope of finding dance tunes, you’ve probably been captivated by the sound treat from Tim Urbanya. Featuring current global trends of the electronic music scene, support for Slovenian music production, live broadcasts from the hottest events and interviews with names, that will make your heart beat faster. After mixing his hour-and-a-half-long sonic cocktail for five years, Tim caught the attention of the national broadcaster and his radio show Rush Hour gained an even bigger audience of avid fans on Val 202 under the name RH 202.
His career, which he’s been patiently building for the last 15 years, is a proof that he’s more than just a good talker and a trustworthy presenter of hot trends. As a DJ, he quickly conquered the festival and club dancefloors thanks to his innate feeling for rhythm. He also gained experience as a record store manager, whereas the parties he organized gave him an in-depth perspective of the field. So it’s no surprise his debut single EP “Play it” made an impact on many different leading charts of electronic music all over the world... 
Melodic house in the original meaning of the word is his thing. Deep bass lines, which make people move and carefully selected vocals, which arouse emotions. This is what propelled Tim onto the stages of the leading clubs and festivals in the region. He left his mark at Ambasada Gavioli, Byblos, Cirkus, within Festival Maribor, where he combined electronic and classical music, at Exit Festival, where he was a prominent representative of Slovenian sounds, and Stožice Arena, where he stirred up the audience long before David Guetta came on stage.



(Play2Play, Innocent Music, Whoyostro, eMBi Music, Vzletnaya)

Marko P. alias Marx.P was born in Maribor, Slovenia. He was getting in touch with music at his very young years. In 2002 as he finished the Highschool, Marko started his career as a MC on different electronic music events and in different clubs arround Slovenia and Austria. He was a resident DJ in Club Impulz in Maribor from 2002-2008, where he was managing his own events and started his Dj career. After one year living in Graz Marko established a non profit organisation called Play2Play Promotions to Manage his own Events in Graz’s clubs like Postgarage, Niesenberger, Loft, etc. In 2014 Marx.P decided to become a professional Electronic Music Producer. He Released his first Track on the Crossworlder sublabel Cubic Ball Records from London UK, called ‚“Turn Things Off“. In 2017 he released the Track ‘‘I’ve got my Jams‘‘ on Ukraines Undergound Label Whoyostro LTD with which Marko turned to a Minimalistic and Dub DJ and Music Producer. Marx.P played with Big Artists like: Marko Nastić, UNER, Technasia, Dominik Eulberg, Paul Ritch, Subb-an, Nastia ... And on some Festivals like Springfestival Graz, Eco Festival Nova Gorica, Festival Lent and Peal Festival!


Jan Biteznik

Jan Bitežnik is a DJ, music producer, sound technician, promoter, and amateur designer. He’s currently stationed in Berlin where he studies music production at the dBs Music Berlin faculty, and spends most his days and nights producing music and DJing, focusing mostly on electro music, such as house and techno. He appeared in several big-time gigs in Slovenia and has been DJing for the better part of the last 6 years. Two years ago, he won the DJ contest at the Halamoye festival in Tolmin. Despite leaving Slovenia for Berlin six months ago, he’s already scheduled to appear at two club gigs, all while running a radio show at Etikett Radio. Jan Bitežnik expects to release his first EP in a few months that will carry his design and art production. 


Niash Poyma

Niash Poyma is a music producer, DJ and audio engineer from Maribor. He first got his hands on CD players at the age of 13 and learned how to mix electro music. He created his first cuts not long after that. Niash’s first focus was melody (trance, progressive house, etc.), but he later turned to rhythm (disco, house, techno). He’s an excellent guitar player and part of his soul will always belong to rock music, but he’s settled down with tech house during recent years. He announced his appearance at Festival Lent with the following words: “My set will be full of groovy rhythms, intoxicating bass lines, tireless shakers and melodic vocals, all packed into a summer dance event for the ages. Niash Poyma coming in heavy!” 


ツ MORE about Festival Lent: www.festival-lent.si
ツ PROGRAM of the festival: http://www.festival-lent.si/program/
ツ Media sponsor of Mladinin oder: Mladina




Jazz Klub Satchmo

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